Protecting Yourself and Others when Using Densitron Touchscreens
Our touchscreens are installed at facilities worldwide, and protecting customers from the transmission of COVID-19 is of paramount importance to us.
To date, Public Health England has not issued any specific guidelines for cleaning touchscreens that are used in public areas. As touchscreens are often used by multiple people at any time, we feel it is important to offer advice on best practices for keeping our screens clean.
We’ve put together some tips to assist you with your safety and well-being.
- Turn off the touchscreen before starting the cleanup. This way, you can see any dirt on the screen, as the brightness of the display may make you miss some areas.
- Wet a soft, lint-free or microfiber cloth with a mild soapy solution, and wipe the touchscreen in a gentle motion to remove dust, oil, or fingerprint smudges.
- For disinfecting, use the recommended disinfectant solution list shown below to ensure the effect.
- Do not let the cleaning agent stay on paint-based metal parts for a long time; wipe it once and let the moisture evaporate naturally. Do not wipe it back and forth to avoid the opposite effect.
- Do not get liquids inside the unit.
- Do not spray on the product directly.
- Wipe any excess moisture with a dry lint-free cloth to finish cleaning before turning the touchscreen back on.
touchscreens are often used by multiple people at any time, we feel it is important to offer advice on best practices for keeping our screens clean.
Recommended disinfectant solutions
Below is the recommended list of disinfecting agents that can be safely used for cleaning and disinfecting purposes:
- Household bleach solution (1/3 cup of bleach per gal. of water)
- Isopropyl alcohol (≤ 70% alcohol)
- 6% Hydrogen peroxide (H₂O₂)
Precautions to take whilst cleaning touchscreens:
- Do not use strong solvents (ammonia, for example) to avoid damaging painted surfaces.
- Do not use a paper-based cloth (paper towel, for example) to avoid scratching painted surfaces.
- Do not use disinfectants that contain phenol.
- Do not autoclave or clean the devices with strong, aromatic, chlorinated, ketone, ether, or Esther solvents, sharp tools or abrasives.
- Never immerse electrical connectors in water or other liquids.
- Hot water with soap can be used to remove sticky substances when necessary.
If you have any questions, please contact our support team, who will be able to assist you further.

Contact us
For more information about Densitron or any of our products and services please contact one of our regional offices or contact@densitron.com